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#1272: Greeble

Greeble, the UFO.

Species: UFO

Date of Adoption: 30 April 2024

I first saw this plush a week ago in TK Maxx, immediately taking a pic to show Kristal, although I didn’t have the £9.99 to get him at the time. And then, as usual, I forgot about him… You’d think I’d learn to make notes about the squishies I stumble across! 😆

I usually check TK Maxx each fortnight anyway, but I still hadn’t remembered about Greeble while rummaging on the packed shelves – and then, all of a sudden, I did remember… and began scrabbling to see if any were left. There had been two or three in the shop at the time of taking the pic for Kristal, but at the time, I wasn’t confident that there would be any left after a week. So I felt very lucky to be wrong in my assumption!

While writing up this blog post, I realised I hadn’t taken a shot that showed both the upper and lower hemispheres! So this pic remedies that; I also used the “Auto-Level” adjustment in paint.net to enable folks to actually see the bottom half, because it’s rather dark:

A "full" shot, showing his underside as well.

Greeble’s underside is gorgeous, by the way:

Greeble's very pretty underside.

I was fumbling around somewhat for a name, and then, while I was sat at home, “Greeble” popped into my head 😆

As it is, I’m not sure if Greeble is part UFO, part alien – or an alien sitting in a UFO. Either way, he’s very welcome in to the SquishyZoo! 🤗❤

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