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#1264: Maximillian

Maximillian, the bear.

Species: Bear

Sub-Species: Teddy

Date of Adoption: 19 April 2024

Today, on a whim, I decided to see if there were any more charity shops in the Doncaster area, and discovered there was The Hanger, a shop in aid of the Children’s Air Ambulance charity. So I caught the bus out to the place, and found there was another charity shop, in aid of Scope, that hadn’t shown up on Google Maps! I didn’t have any luck at the Scope shop this time around, but The Hanger came out swinging!

They were selling kids’ toys at 4 for £1 – not just plushies – and I found that, on the upper floor, there was a big bin full of plushies, of all kinds of sizes, and still only 25p each on average!

The first of my four adoptions is this rather resplendent bear with a bow tie, that I decided to call Maximillian – a fancy chap needs a fancy name, I fancy 😛 He’s originally from Marks & Spencer, and was part of their “Connoisseur Bear” collection; couldn’t find a copyright date, though, so I don’t know how old he is.

Maximillian's "Connoisseur Bear" label.

As well as the swanky-looking label on his lower right paw, he’s also got a button on his back:

Maximillian's "Connoisseur Bear" button, on his back.

I’m very inclined to wonder if the designer was trying to emulate the Steiff “button in ear” trademark, but also avoiding putting it in his ear, to avoid lawsuits 😆

Something that struck me about Maximillian is that his pose is very reminiscent of Captain America’s “So, you got detention” scene that became a meme 😆 “So, you got put on the naughty step…” 😛

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